Here is a nice little joystick from Addicore with push button action. It's easy to use on the MSP430F5529LP. It uses dual potentiometers for the x and y axis. Note that there is a commented out line that you can use if desired to change the numeric value for the y axis so that zero voltage is down instead of up. The x axis goes from zero at left to 4095 at right. The F5529 has analog resolution of 4096 - you will need to change this to 1023 for Arduino or lower resolution MSP430s.
The Energia sketch below demonstrates how it works.
Read Joystick and Push Button - display to Serial Monitor
Tested with MSP540F5529LP
Addicore joystick with push button
F. Milburn 5/19/2015
Joystick MSP430F5529LP
-------- -------------
+5V 3V3
VRX P6.0
VRY P6.1
SW P3.4
int xPin = P6_0; // x direction potentiometer pin
int yPin = P6_1; // y direction potentiometer pin
int pushPin = P3_4; // Push button pin
int xValue = 0; // x direction potentiometer value (0 to 4095)
int yValue = 0; // y direction potentiometer value (0 to 4095)
int pushState = 0; // Push button state (0 or 1)
void setup()
pinMode(pushPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop()
// Read joystick position
xValue = analogRead(xPin); // Read x (x0 left)
yValue = analogRead(yPin); // Read y (y0 top)
// yValue = abs(4095 - yValue); // Reverse y direction
Serial.print("X = ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Y = ");
Serial.print(" ");
// Read button status
pushState = digitalRead(pushPin); // See if joystick has been pushed in
Serial.print("Joystick is ");
if (pushState == 0)
Serial.println("pushed in");
Serial.println("not pushed");
Read Joystick and Push Button - display to Serial Monitor
Tested with MSP540F5529LP
Addicore joystick with push button
F. Milburn 5/19/2015
Joystick MSP430F5529LP
-------- -------------
+5V 3V3
VRX P6.0
VRY P6.1
SW P3.4
int xPin = P6_0; // x direction potentiometer pin
int yPin = P6_1; // y direction potentiometer pin
int pushPin = P3_4; // Push button pin
int xValue = 0; // x direction potentiometer value (0 to 4095)
int yValue = 0; // y direction potentiometer value (0 to 4095)
int pushState = 0; // Push button state (0 or 1)
void setup()
pinMode(pushPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop()
// Read joystick position
xValue = analogRead(xPin); // Read x (x0 left)
yValue = analogRead(yPin); // Read y (y0 top)
// yValue = abs(4095 - yValue); // Reverse y direction
Serial.print("X = ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Y = ");
Serial.print(" ");
// Read button status
pushState = digitalRead(pushPin); // See if joystick has been pushed in
Serial.print("Joystick is ");
if (pushState == 0)
Serial.println("pushed in");
Serial.println("not pushed");
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