Since I posted some code on a digital potentiometer the other day, I thought I'd go ahead and do the analog. There is a lot more information on analog potentiometers in the SparkFun Inventor's Kit. Here is my sketch for the MSP-EXP430F5529LP...
Control the brightness of a LED with the MSP-EXP430F5529LP LaunchPad
Reads an analog input from a potentiometer, converts it to voltage, prints the result to
the serial monitor, and varies the brightness of a LED accordingly
* MSP-EXP430F5529LP LaunchPad
* Potentiometer
* 330 Ohm Resistor
Left pin 3.3 V Note that potentiometer does not have polarity so flip
the outside leads if you want to change rotation effect
Center Pin 6 (P6.6) Make sure pin can do analog read
Right pin GND
Positive pin Pin 19 (P2_0) LED output - make sure pin can do an analog write (PWM)
Negative pin 330 Ohm GND Resistor protects LED
2 April 2015
Frank Milburn
This example code is in the public domain.
// Declarations
const int potPin = 6; // Input pin for pot
const int ledPin = 19; // Output pin for LED
const int analogRes = 4096; // resolution of analog input
int lastReading = -1; // Define lastReading for 1st pass
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Make the LED pin an output
void loop()
int potReading = analogRead(potPin); // Read the potentiometer setting
// Note that there is some jitter in a potentiometer. In order to reduce the serial
// print, a check is made on whether the change is signicant. Note that a difference
// in readings of 41 is about a 1% change since the resolution of an analog read
// is 0 to 4095
if (abs(potReading - lastReading) > 41) // if the readings change much
{ // then update and inform of changes
Serial.print("Raw reading: ");
float voltage = potReading * 3.3 / analogRes; // Convert pot reading to voltage
Serial.print(" Voltage: "); // and inform the user
int ledBrightness = map(potReading,0,analogRes,0,255); // map to PWM duty cycle
analogWrite(ledPin, ledBrightness); // and adjust LED brigtness
int brightness = (ledBrightness * 100) / 255; // calculate brightness as percent
Serial.print("Brightness: "); // and inform the user
Serial.print(" PWM ");
Serial.println(" %");
lastReading = potReading; // update the last reading
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